Scops owl (Otus scops)
Nature of Eymir Lake seemed to be sligtly blossomed this week. Some of the sprouts had been burst and greens had appeared. We set up the nets again with my advisor Can Bilgin. We made a few changes in nets’ positions. We changed the place of first net and add two more nets to the area. This change took its effect quickly that we cought the half of the birds of two days in the first net. Today’s first bird was a Syrian woodpecker. Although we couldn’t catch many birds during day, we had 4 new species for the station: nightingale, cetti's warbler, penduline tit & scops owl. The long tailed tit we had caught last week was retraped with her pair in this time. She was in the club at his time. :) Their fidelity to each other was amazing!
Toyga, Melike & long tailed tits
nightingale & penduline tit
We closed the day with 7 species out of 8 birds.
Many thanks to Can Bilgin, Melike Eren, Toyga Özver, Soner Bekir, Emre Öztürk, Özgür Çavuş, Gazi abi, Jennifer Kalvenas, Hüseyin Karakaya and Elçin Ekşi for their kind supports.
Good birding...
Today’s species:
1. Syrian woodpecker (Dendrocopos syriacus)
2. Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)
3. Long tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus)
4. Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti)
5. Penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus)
6. Blackbird (Turdus merula)
7. Scops owl (Otus scops)
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